Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Possibly My Last Post on iOS 8.1

I wrote yesterday about my slight disappointment with iOS 8.1's Handoff and Continuity features which did not completely work for me. I also opined that this was -- possibly -- because I was in another country. I further wrote that I would continue researching this online, which I did and I thought I'd share my findings for what they're worth.

I tried everything suggested by posters online elsewhere -- including turning Bluetooth off and then back on; unticking and reticking the "Handoff-related" option on my MacBook Pro -- but I just could not -- and still cannot -- find the option to enable "Handoff" on my iOS devices in the General Settings page. I finally stumbled on this page. It turns out that "Handoff and Instant Hotspot work with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 8 and the Lightning connector." Now what I interpret this to mean is that these features won't work on my iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

What a disappointment!

Anyway, as small crumbs of comfort, things work as expected on my MacBook Pro (tried Handoff with my kids' iPhone 5S and 6.) Also, the SMS and iPhone call functions on all devices, including my iPhone 4S, iPad and my MacBook Pro.

I will live with these for now ...

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